For the purposes of this legal notice, the website is a term that includes all websites at the web address (hereinafter: the website ). The owner of the copyright on all copyrighted works that are included in the website in any way is Jama Vilenica (hereinafter: Vilenica). The Vilenica logo is protected as a service mark or trademark according to the Industrial Property Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia No. 45/2001, 96/2002) and in accordance with international acts and is registered with the Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Slovenia. All rights reserved. The user can use the content on the website exclusively for his personal, i.e. non-commercial, use. Any other form of use of website content (such as copying, reproduction, distribution, etc.) for commercial purposes is prohibited.

Restriction on use of information and materials

The information and materials displayed on this website may be downloaded from the server for personal, home use by the user without changing the copyright notices, other intellectual property rights notices or other rights notices. Uploading and printing of information and materials for the purpose of viewing and reading for non-commercial purposes is permitted. Any other copying, distribution, republishing, modification of the information and materials on or sending them by mail and distributing them to any any other method without prior written permission is prohibited. The use of any element of for any purpose other than solely for personal, non-commercial, domestic use is also prohibited. Vilenica is not responsible for the design and content of websites that are in any way connected to the website When visiting and using linked websites, the responsibility of Vilenica is excluded in all cases.

Limitation of liability

Vilenica will make every effort to ensure that the information on the website is correct and up-to-date, but neither Vilenica nor any other legal or physical person who participated in the creation of the website or is still participating in the upgrades of the website can be held responsible for ordinary damage or lost profit or non-pecuniary damage that may occur to the user as a result of the use of the website or the inability to use it. Vilenica will do its best to ensure the smooth operation of the website, but cannot be held responsible for ordinary damage or lost profits or non-pecuniary damage that may occur to the user as a result of the interrupted operation of the website. Vilenica may change the website at any time without prior notice.

Protection of personal data

We are aware of the importance of personal data protection, mainly because we use it to provide more appropriate services and information to our visitors. Adopted by the European Union, GDPR dictates high standards for how your data is collected, stored, allows you to access it and request deletion, and much more. In accordance with the legislation and our awareness of the importance of this area, we have prepared explanations about the security of your data and the rights you have as a data owner. Before giving your consent to the collection or processing of your personal data, please read this explanation carefully.

What is personal data

Personal data is any data that relates to a specific natural person, i.e. an individual, depending on the form in which it is expressed. It is data that can be used to identify you: first name, last name, email address, etc.

The controller of personal data on the website is Jama Vilenica (hereinafter: Vilenica).

Where do we store your data and for how long

The personal data that you digitally transmit to us is stored on servers rented for this purpose by the hosting provider, but may also be stored by the companies whose tools we use. For example, the provider of the e-mail communication tool stores information about recipients. We keep the collected personal data until the moment you inform us that you no longer agree to the storage and processing of personal data or at most as long as necessary to achieve the purpose for which they are processed or to satisfy legal requirements.

Collection, processing and use of personal data

We collect, manage and process your personal data only for legally defined purposes or on the basis of your express consent. Data collected with consent is primarily intended to communicate with you and improve services. We undertake not to lend or sell your personal data to a third party without prior notice and obtaining your express written consent.

Revocation of consent for the processing of personal data

You have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data at any time. You can revoke the right for an individual purpose or for all purposes of personal data processing to which you have consented.

Send a written statement to revoke your consent to the processing of personal data to the e-mail address

In the event of withdrawal of consent to the collection or processing of personal data, all collected personal data to which the deletion request will refer will be deleted or exempted from automatic processing.

Cancellation of consent to the processing of personal data does not affect the legality of the processing of personal data concerning you until your cancellation, and the use of this personal data for legally defined purposes.

Your rights in the field of personal data protection

  • Right to erasure/forgetfulness
    At any time, you have the right to request that the operator corrects or completes inaccurate or incomplete personal data concerning you. At any time, you can request access to the data that the operator has collected about you, or the immediate deletion of your personal data. In the event of correction, addition or deletion of personal data, we must notify you of the correction, addition or deletion without delay.
  • The right to limit the processing of personal data
    At any time, you have the right to request that we limit the processing of your personal data in the event of their inaccuracy, illegality, termination of the purpose of processing or filing of an objection.
  • The right to portability of your data
    At any time you have the right to request that we forward the personal data that we process in relation to you to you. At any time you have the right to request that we forward the personal data that we process in relation to you to another controller.
  • The right to object
    Any use of your personal data for the purposes of informative or promotional communication requires your express consent. If you receive informative or commercial promotional content based on your consent, you can request in writing at any time to stop using your data for this purpose.
  • The right to access personal information about you
    however, you have the right to receive confirmation as to whether personal data is being processed in relation to you and access to personal data in relation to you and the following information: purpose of data processing, type of personal data in relation to you, users of your personal data, intended period of retention of personal data, source of personal data.

Risk of personal data protection

In the event of a threat to the protection of personal data, we will notify the competent authority without undue delay, but no later than within 72 hours after becoming aware of the threat to the protection of your personal data.

Important information regarding the processing of your personal data

We undertake to process all collected data only within the scope of the listed management purposes or processing of personal data and in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act and other relevant field legislation as well as in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of individuals in the processing of personal data (GDPR).

Which cookies does this website use?

1. Necessary cookies

Necessary cookies must be enabled at all times so that we can save your cookie preferences.

Name Provider Usage Duration
hideCovidNotice Saving covid banner display setting. Session progress
wp-wpml_current_language Saving language selection 24 hours
moove_gdpr_popup 1 year

2. Google

Google uses cookies to save favorite user settings, language version selection, no. displayed hits and values, display of information on Google maps and many other functionalities and services of this web giant.

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3. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analysis service. It provides us with information about user behavior on our website and thus helps us create a better user experience, display relevant content, etc. When analyzing this data, we cannot identify you personally.

The lifespan of these cookies is up to 2 years.

Example of cookies used:

Name Provider Usage Duration
_gat_UA-2764728-49 Google Analytics A cookie is used to limit the number of requests. If Google Analytics is added via Google Tag Manager, this cookie is called "_dc_gtm_". 1 minute
_ga Google Analytics User identification. 2 years
_gid Google Analytics User identification. 24 hours
_gac_ Google Analytics Contains campaign data per user. 90 days

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4. YouTube

We use the YouTube service to play videos, and cookies are used to record viewing data, store favorite user settings, display relevant videos, etc.

The lifespan of these cookies is up to 10 years.

Name Provider Usage Duration
PREF Youtube Cookie to save settings. 10 years
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE Youtube A cookie with which YouTube measures your internet connection. 8 months
YSC Youtube The cookie is installed by Youtube in the “embedded video” mode. Session progress

How can you manage or delete cookies?

To change cookies, click on the Change settings button below

We will not use cookies in any way to collect your personally identifiable information, but if you wish, you can also change the settings on the use of cookies in the browser of your computer or mobile device.

Most modern browsers allow you to accept or reject all cookies, accept or reject only certain types of cookies, or set a warning that the site wants to save a cookie on your device. You can also delete cookies that the browser has already stored on your device.

We warn you that if cookies are turned off, all website functionalities may not work equally effectively, a warning about the use of cookies will appear on every visit, and in the long term this will have a negative impact on your user experience.

The process of changing cookie settings differs in each browser. You can find information about this by using the "Help" function, by visiting, which clearly explains the process in all modern browsers, or you can contact us via email.

Google Analytics cookies can also be disabled using the instructions available at Google Analytics

More information about cookies is also available in the guidelines of the Information Commissioner.


Slovenian legislation applies to any disputes arising from the use of the website. The court in Koper is competent to resolve any disputes. By using the website, the user confirms that he has accepted the conditions described here and that he agrees with them.